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After the War Project

The Team

Project Collaborators

Akira McClain

Hi, I’m Akira McClain MS, Mild/Moderate Special Education

 I have been working for Cajon Valley Union School District for 6 years as an Elementary School Special Education Teacher. I specialize in working with students with mild/moderate disabilities such as autism, learning, physical, and behavioral disabilities. I am passionate about impacting as many lives (young and old) as possible, through teaching and showing love. I also teach dance classes (several different dance styles), after school to all students. As a Special Education Teacher, guiding students to understand and control their bodies is something that I find extremely beneficial in life. 

Eventually, I would like to transition out of the classroom and into Education Technology. I am very interested in experiencing another side of education and perhaps playing a role in creating curriculum and other sensory materials for students with special needs. Aside from teaching, I love to travel and experience new and different cultures. I love to share my experiences with my students in the hopes that it will trigger their internal drive to one day experience it for themselves.

Jeremy Mazur

Jeremy is a history graduate student at San Diego State University and is currently working on his thesis about Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego's base newspaper, the Chevron, during World War II. He has a bachelor's degree in history from San Diego State University. He also works with the MCRD San Diego Command Museum with special emphasis on oral history and is on the board of the Western Naval History Association. He enjoys photography, cycling, and refurbishing typewriters as well as spending time with his wife, Molly, and dogs, Fred and George.  

Dr. Ray Seraile, DBA, MAEL

I'm a Technologist and Project Manager who works with local government in Southern California.  I am a newly conferred Doctor of Business Administration by way of California Southern University in Irvine, California.  My research focused on emergent technology and municipal economics.  I look at what factors influence local government leaders to adopt new technologies. I am a newly conferred Doctor of Business Administration by way of California Southern University in Irvine, California. I have a lot of experience as a graphic and web designer/developer, Drone Pilot, and systems analyst.  My experience includes Entrepreneurship, Professional Athletics, and Military Service as a member of the US Naval Nuclear Submarine fleet.  

My work has been published and is included in the US Library of Congress by way of ProQuest and my University, California Southern University.

Hooper Schultz, MFA, MA

Hooper Schultz is a PhD student in the History Department at UNC-Chapel Hill. He received his MA in Southern Studies and MFA in Documentary Studies at the University of Mississippi. He was the Carolina Pride Alumni Network Fellow at UNC-Chapel Hill, working with University Archives at Wilson Library on the Story Of Us Project, an LGBTQ+ History of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He now works with the Southern Oral History Program as the Archie Davis Fellow, leading their undergraduate internship seminar. His research interests include gay liberation and lesbian-feminism, student activism, and queer communities in the U.S. South. His dissertation research focuses on the history of college student gay liberation activists’ efforts to pass municipal non-discrimination ordinances in the South from 1970 to 1982. Find him on Twitter at @Hoop3r.

Dr. Araceli Hernández-Laroche, PhD

Dr. Araceli Hernández-Laroche is a professor of modern languages and the founding director of SC Centro Latino. She was named the 2020 Career Woman of the Year by SC Business and Professional Women and the 2020 Inclusion Advocate of the Year by OneSpartanburg, Inc. She was in the Emerging Leaders Program at the American Association of State Colleges & Universities. She earned a BA in French, Francophone, and Italian studies from UCLA and French MA & Ph.D. from UC Berkeley. She publishes on existentialist French and North African writers, wars, migration, and the multilingual public humanities. She serves as co-president of the MLA’s ADFL Executive Committee and MLA Ad Hoc Committee Valuing the Public Humanities. She was president of the SC chapter of AATF. A multilingual professor, she has directed study abroad in Spain, taught Spanish in prison, high school, and as an assistant professor in NJ. Her public scholarship on the growing SC Latino community is in Spanish or English.

Wendell Tanks

After graduating high school, I joined the U.S. Army where I was trained as an infantry soldier. I deployed to Iraq, but my tour was shortened due to a combat related injury. After completing 5 years of military service, I attended college at San Diego State University where I received an BA in Psychology. Since my college years I have worked in a variety of industries from drug rehabilitation to finance. Currently I reside in the Boston, MA working as a metrologist technician for pharmaceutical company.

As a combat veteran who understands the challenges associated with moving on from war and military service, I am eager to participate in a program designed around informing the civilian public about lives of the veterans they thank for their services.

Cassie Tanks

Cassie Tanks is an aspiring archivist-librarian, digital humanist, and historian. Cassie earned a BA in History at San Diego State University, where she gained research interest in the digital humanities, Cold War, and liberation. She expanded upon her interests at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she earned a MS in Library Science and was selected as a Carolina Academic Library Association associate. At UNC, Cassie developed the UNC Story Archive, published ““Can You Hear Me OK?”: Launching a Story Based Archive During COVID-19” in the Visual Resources Association journal, and developed an exhibit, “Queerolina: A spatial exploration of LGBTQiA+ experiences through oral history” with Hooper Schultz. She also is a research assistant for Dr. Angel David Nieves and his 3D spatial history publication, Apartheid Heritage(s)

Cassie is pursuing a PhD in World History at Northeastern University where she hopes to deepen her engagement with public facing historical and archival work, as well as explore the histories of para-militarism and liberation struggles during the Cold War. Connect with her through her brief portfolio or on Twitter at @CassieConnected.

Community Collaborators

Coming Soon!

Student Collaborators

Spring 2023

Prof. Hooper Schultz's "Southern Oral History Program Seminar" at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Abigail Mueller


Abby is a senior at UNC Chapel Hill with a major in history and minors in biology and chemistry. She is interested in oral history because she believes it is an avenue to make history more accessible and empower historically underrepresented communities to share their unique experiences. She loves coffee shops, nature walks, and ghost stories!




Astrid Knox-McConnell


Hi! My name is Astrid and I'm studying History and Politics of the Americas at University College London, spending a year abroad at UNC-Chapel Hill. I enjoy researching the US, particularly through the lenses of food studies and queer studies. In my free time I love to read, play field hockey, and write creatively.


Jude Howard

Hi, I am an undergraduate history major at UNC-Chapel Hill. I enjoy researching and studying the American South, playing golf, and eating whole-hog BBQ. I am currently an intern with the SOHP where I am conducting research in conjunction with the After The War Project.



Maitreyee Singh


Hello My name is Victoria and I am majoring in mass communication. I like to paint and listen to music in my free time. I love to help in my community and join many clubs that can contribute to giving back to people.



Micah McLaughlin


Micah McLaughlin is a student at UNC Chapel Hill who is studying American history and media & journalism. Micah was raised in Durham and now lives in Cary, so he's right at home in Chapel Hill. In his spare time, Micah enjoys basketball, watching movies with friends and family, and spending time outdoors.




Sonia Rao


Sonia Rao is a junior at UNC-Chapel Hill studying Media & Journalism.

Sophie Krejci


My name is Sophie Krejci and I am a sophomore at UNC! I am majoring and English & Comparative Literature and minoring in French/possibly American Studies. I enjoy reading, listening to folk music, and watching shows such and "Fleabag" and "Normal People".



Tara Hinton


I am an undergraduate student at UNC Chapel Hill, with a major in Environmental Studies and a strong interest in uplifting the voices of everyday people. My research interests lie in environmental storytelling, narrative medicine, and community history. In my free time, I enjoy writing, hiking, and cuddling with my cat.



Fall 2022

Dra. Araceli Hernandez-Laroche's "Black Paris" class at University of South Carolina Upstate

Faith Austin


I am a English major and a Theatre minor. I love to write and draw, to design outfits/costumes, to watch movies and tv shows, hangout in nature, and hangout with my family and my pets. I hope to one day become a filmmaker/screenwriter.




Riley Hope Drake

My name is Riley. I am 24 years old. I love learning about new things, and I am always looking for a way to further my education.


Sofia Villegas


I am majoring in early childhood education and minoring in Spanish translation and interpretation. I am an officer in multiple student organizations at USC Upstate- Spectrum, Upstate United Feminist, Latin American Student Organization, Spartan Latinx Leaders +Allies, and Upstate Teaching Fellows.



Victoria Robinson

Hello My name is Victoria and I am majoring in mass communication. I like to paint and listen to music in my free time. I love to help in my community and join many clubs that can contribute to giving back to people.



Jasmin Elizalde


Hello! I am Jasmin Elizalde. I am a Junior Political Science major at the University of South Carolina Upstate. I am passionate about Women Rights, the Latino Community and French Culture.




Jessica Maya

My name is Jessica. I am am a senior accounting student at USC Upstate, pursuing a masters after graduation. I also expect to be Certified Public Accountant in the future.

Karolin Miranda


Hi my name is Karolin Miranda and I am a biology student at USC Upstate.



Isabella Drake


Hello! I am Isabella Drake, I am a biology major at USC Upstate and have an interested in Pre-Med.



Special Thanks

There are many, many people who have contributed to the development of this project that deserve all the thanks in the world. The support and guidance from these role models is extremely appreciated.

  • Dr. Angel David Nieves
  • Dra. Araceli Hernandez-Laroche
  • Dr. Pam Lach
  • Savita Maharaj
  • Vanessa Torres